Customer Sales by Product
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This report prints a sales summary for every customer, listing quantity and dollar sales totals for each product sold during the reporting periods, with subtotals for each product class.
3/8/2002 Customer Sales by Product Report 9:39:05 AM Program: ARPRSCD Company: Hansco Materials User: PETE In Sequence By Customer Id, Product Class, Product Id Year beginning 1/1/2002 For the period 2/1/2002 thru 2/28/2002 Customer Name Customer Class M-T-D Y-T-D M-T-D Y-T-D Id Product Class Product Qty Qty Sales Sales HAR100 Hartford D.P.W. G Government Agency SG Sand & Gravel 34-12 3/4" Stone 21.9100 21.9100 241.01 241.01 57-12 5/7" Stone .0000 514.5500 .00 4502.31 FS-11 Fill Sand 201.0800 201.0800 1055.69 1055.69 RS-12 Road Sand .0000 998.2200 .00 5140.87 Total Product Class SG 222.9900 1735.7600 1296.70 10939.88 T Transportation Charg T-11 Transportation 201.0800 201.0800 351.92 351.92 T-12 Transportation 21.9100 1534.6800 43.82 2497.69 Total Product Class T 222.9900 1735.7600 395.74 2849.61 Total Customer HAR100 445.9800 3471.5200 1692.44 13789.49