Product Sales by Customer

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This report prints a sales summary for every product, listing quantity and dollar sales to each customer during the reporting periods, with subtotals for each product class. It shows the same information as the Customer Sales by Product, but sorts by product instead of by customer.

 3/8/2002                                          Product Sales by Customer Report                                       12:06:18 PM
 Program: ARPRSPD                                     Company: Hansco Materials                                            User: PETE
                                        In Sequence By Product Class, Product Id, Customer Id
                                                       Year beginning 1/1/2002
                                                For the period 2/1/2002 thru 2/28/2002
 Prod Description                               M-T-D      Y-T-D        M-T-D        Y-T-D Customer
 Cls  Product      U/M Description               Qty        Qty         Sales        Sales    Id      Name
  B   Block Sales
      6416-21      EA  6x4x16 Solid
                                             144.0000   144.0000        79.20        79.20 ALL100     Allen Construction
      6416S-21     EA  6x4x16 Split
                                                .0000   500.0000          .00       265.00 BLA100     Blankenship Construction
                                             100.0000   388.0000        57.00       221.16 COD        CASH SALES
                                                .0000  2000.0000          .00      1100.00 JAM100     James & James
                                           22000.0000 22000.0000     12540.00     12540.00 MAS100     Mass. Dept. of Transportation
     Total Product 6416S-21                22100.0000 24888.0000     12597.00     14126.16
      8416-21      EA  8x4x16 Solid
                                            2000.0000  2000.0000      1620.00      1620.00 ALL100     Allen Construction
                                                .0000   288.0000          .00       233.28 BLA100     Blankenship Construction
                                             144.0000   288.0000       123.84       247.68 COD        CASH SALES
                                            1150.0000  1150.0000       954.50       954.50 LUC100     Luchessi Pools
     Total Product 8416-21                  3294.0000  3726.0000      2698.34      3055.46
