AP Select Invoices for Payment

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Accounts Payable

Select Invoices for Payments allows you to designate which invoices are to be paid, and specify the discount and payment amounts. Additionally, you can:

  • Drill down on invoices to inquire on payment and distribution history.
  • Change the AP Cash and Discounts account.
  • Set or Remove the Hold designation on an invoice.

Using the Program

KS ap sel inv.png

  • Bold Vendor ID represents vendors with Vendor Notes
  • Bold Invoice No represents invoices with Invoice Notes

Selecting Invoices to be Paid

You can either select invoices for payment individually or by running Auto Pay. If Auto Pay is used, you can modify the selection by selecting additional invoices, removing them, or modifying invoice payment.

Select Invoices Individually

  • Select with F5

To pay an individual invoice, select the invoice, hit the F5 Pay button. By default the Pay invoice screen will appear, and start you in the discount field. The Discount Amount will be set to the original discount offered if the discount is still available, or 0 is it isn't. You can override the Discount Amount as needed, even past the due date. The Cash Amount will default to the remaining balance of the invoice.

Additionally, the discount If Paid By date, the Cash G/L Account and the Discount G/L Account can also be adjusted.

Ks ap sel inv pay.png

  • Pay with Space Bar

Hitting Space Bar on an invoice will pay the invoice using default options. The Discount Amount will default to the Discount Offered if the current date is before the Discount Date.

If an invoice is set to Hold, you will be prompted to either skip paying the invoice, or remove the Hold status and pay it off.

Auto Pay by Date

  1. Sort invoices to pay by Due Date
  2. Click Auto Pay
-Select last date to pay by checking "If Due Date is On or Before" and entering date
-Select Option for taking Discounts if applicable
  1. Click F2/OK to select invoices

Don't Pay

The Don't Pay button can be used to remove a payment.


After making all changes and selections click "F2 Save" before exiting.

Sorting and Filtering

Using the Sorting and filtering features of the grid make other features such as Auto Pay and Paying with Space Bar work more efficiently.

Tips and Tricks

The data grid supports Filtering and Sorting. By sorting invoices by Due/Date, all invoices that should be paid first get grouped together. You can use the Space Bar to quickly pay these invoices. When working with vendor, use the filter feature to show just that one vendor. When done, you can clear the filter to show all open invoices again.
Hide Invoice Notes and Vendor Notes by clicking the divider between the sections.

System Options