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Latest revision as of 14:44, 15 April 2021

Instructions For Use

  • Use Customer Price maintenance to set up special pricing for individual customers. The screen consists of a pricing grid, where each line represents a special pricing consideration. You can give the customer four different kinds of considerations:
  • Special prices and/or paid-on-time discounts on particular products;
  • Price adjustments and/or special paid-on-time discounts on entire product classes;
  • Percentage paid-on-time discounts on all products
  • Special rates on zone charges

Review the Pricing overview on page 18 for full information on Keystone pricing mechanisms.

  • Customer Price List

The Customer Price List prints out a full listing of customer pricing, including adjustments and zone charges. It is useful for reference purposes, and for checking the accuracy of your data entry in Customer Price Maintenance.

Customer Price List Options Note that you can sequence the customer price list by Product Id to give a listing of customers with special prices on each product.

Using the program

Choose a customer account in the index field, and then add lines to the pricing grid for each special price.

Product prices and discounts

Enter a Product Id in the pricing grid. Keystone displays the standard price and discount for reference, and you can enter a customer price, a customer discount, or both. When you enter a ticket or order for this customer, the customer price and discount will come up instead of list.

Discount/Zone Info

Product Class Discounts, Blanket Discounts and Zone Charges are entered by using the Discount/Zone function. Go to a new (empty) line in the product grid, and click on the “Disc/Zn” button (or press F6). A Discount/Zone Info dialog box comes up as shown at left. Select the pricing mechanism and proceed as follows:

Product Class prices and discounts

Select Product Class Discount, and use the drop-down to enter the product class. Click “OK” or press Enter to return to the pricing grid. On the new line Keystone fills in “Product Class XX Discount”; the customer price you enter functions as an adjustment to list price—it will be deducted from list. The discount functions the same as for an individual product—it replaces standard discount whenever you ticket the customer.

Blanket (all-product) discounts

Select Blanket Discount (%), and Click “OK” or press Enter to return to the pricing grid. On the new line Keystone fills in “Blanket Discount (%)”; you can enter only a percentage discount. Keystone always uses this percentage as the customer’s paid-on-time discount.

Zone charges

Select Zone Charge, and then select the Product Class, Zone and Plant for which you are giving a special rate. Click “OK” or press Enter to return to the pricing grid. On the new line Keystone fills in the zone, product class and plant; you can enter only a customer price. This price will override any standard charge for the specified zone, product class and plant.


Customer Price Data Fields—Pricing Grid

All special pricing is set up as a line in the pricing grid. Find the following columns in the pricing grid and the customer price list.

  • Product Id Identifies the product granted special pricing.
  • Description, U/M Shown for reference; you cannot change it here.
  • Std Price List price of the product; you cannot change it here.
  • Std Disc Standard paid-on-time discount for the product; you cannot change it here.
  • Cust Price Enter the special price you are offering to this customer.
  • Cust Disc Enter the special paid-on-time discount you are offering to this customer—either dollar amount per unit or as a percentage. To enter a percentage discount, just type in the two digits followed by the percent sign (%), as in “10%”.