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Latest revision as of 12:59, 8 January 2020

This applies to versions before 2.9.14


File Maintenance

Using the Program

Pr EmpMaint.JPG

Key Fields

Employee Status:
Long-term Disability
Leave of Absense
Miltary Leave
Layoff Seasonal



Shows MTD,QTD and YTD data for employee. Click the Show Data button.

Pay Info

This tab contains most of the fields used to determine pay rates, types etc.

PR EmpMaint PayInfo.JPG

Std/Rate: For hourly this is the hourly rate. For salary this is pay per period.
Std Hours: For Hourly this is used as the default number of hours for automatic pay. For Salary, this is used to determine the rate in time card entry (e.g. if Std Rate is 1000 and Std Hours is 40 then the rate will be 1000 / 40 = $25). For semi-monthly use 86.6667 and for montly use 173.3333)
Auto Pay? Determines if employee gets included in Auto-Pay run.
State Tax Code Default state to tax. Can be over ridden at time card level
Local Tax Code Default locality to tax. Can be over ridden at time card level
W-2 Statutory: Used for W-2
3rd Party Sick: Used for W-2


Enter additional employee information.

PR EmpMaint Misc.JPG


The Events tab contains a grid showing both system created and manually entered events. For example, certain field changes will create a #F event showing the value before and after.

PR EmpMaint Events.JPG

Type is a code indicating the event type. Event types #L, #R and #F are system generated. The system comes with dozens of other predefined codes as well.
Field/Def ID Automatically genarated events use this to specify the def or field affected.
Old Value
New Value
User Keystone User that created the event.


PR EMpMaint Income.JPG

Activate all pay types appropriate for the employee
Modify the G/L Debit account to override the default

PR EMpMaint Income InActChk.JPG


Activate Taxes
Set Tax Factors
Number of Exemptions - this field supersedes the marital status set on the employee. Enter 1 for single, 2 married, 3 head of household. Common use is to force withholding at the higher single rate for a married employee.
Extra Witholding
Override default G/L accounts (Only enter a G/L account if you do wish to use an account different than the default)

PR EmpMaint Tax.JPG PR EmpMaint Tax FedTax.JPG


Activate Deductions
Set appropriate Deduction Factors
Deduction Amount
Remaining Balance (Loan type deductions)
Override default G/L accounts only when necessary. It is best to leave this blank in most cases.

PR EmpMaint Ded.JPG

Setting up a loan

To update a loan balance, click the elipse (...) in the Balance field. For best results o this before Prepare Payroll for the current week.

PR EmpMaint Ded Loan1.JPG PR EmpMaint Ded Loan2.JPG

Net Pay

For systems without Direct Deposit, there should be no need to change the settings on Net Pay. Both the NETPAY and CHKAMT definitions should be active by default.

PR EmpMaint Net DD.JPG

Direct Deposit Setup

To configure a direct deposit, activate the definition and enter the factors.

  • AMOUNT: Fixed Amount to deposit.
  • CUR_LIMIT: Limit of deposit when using Rate
  • DD_ACCTTYPE: CHK or SAV for Checking or Savings
  • RATE: Percentage of pay to withhold.

Use AMOUNT to withhold a specific amount (e.g. $100 per period). Use Rate to withhold a percentage of a Net Pay.

To simply withhold all of pay in a single Direct Deposit set RATE to 100.

If you wanted to put $200 in an account and the rest into a second account then: Set Direct Deposit 1, AMOUNT to $200 Set Direct Deposit 2, RATE to 100 (100% will take whatever is left)

If you want to split money between 3 accounts at a 25%/40%/35% split: Set Direct Deposit 1, RATE to 25 Set Direct Deposit 2, RATE to 40 Set Direct Deposit 3, RATE to 100 (100% will take whatever is left)

If you want to deposit $200 and print the rest on a check: Set Direct Deposit 1, AMOUNT to $200

Whenever any amount left over after the direct deposit processing a check will be printed. In the examples above the practice of setting the RATE to 100 on the last direct deposit is to include all remaining money as a deposit. This prevents the chance that a rounding error will result in a $.01 check.


Used to enter data for 1095-C:


Enter either a value in the All Year box or into each monthly box. When a value is entered into the All Year box the monthly boxes become unavailable. Delete the all year box to regain access to the monthly boxes.

Tips and Tricks

To set a tax as exempt for an employee, set the number of deductions to -1

System Options