Job Prices Maintenance

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Accounts Receivable
File Maintenance


Job Price Maintenance is used to create and edit Job Prices for the A/R and Billing System.


Using the Program

Important Fields

Class: Using Job Class give you the ability to track and report jobs of different classes. e.g. State Highway, Landscaping, Large Retail etc.
Tax Authority: the tax authority for this job. Overrides the tax authority assigned to the customer.
Taxable: Specifies a Tax Code to override the customer and product code. Individual tax codes assigned on the detail of the job take precedence over the tax code assigned to the whole job.
Credit Terms:
Salesperson: Allows the of the Job ID assigned at the customer level. Especially useful for tracking sales to cash sales and any other shared customer.
Job Starts/Ends: Controls the effective date of special pricing and other features of Job Maintenance. This can be used for specifically limited jobs, and to prevent a job price being applied at some future unintended date.
Tkt/Ord Products: (Added in Keystone 2.5) This controls which products can be used on orders and tickets based on the job.

ArJobMaint TkOdProd.PNG

Batch Job ID: Frequently this will be configured as the primary field to match the job name in Batch Controls and foreign dispatch systems. Using this field allows you to configure the main Keystone name with a descriptive 18 character ID (e.g. Northfield High) and match the batch controls non descriptive ID (e.g. NH300)
Invoice Description: allows you to have a 50 character long description print on invoices and statements rather than the 18 character Job ID.
Purge Date: A date this job should be purged on.