Product Sales History Report

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This report prints product sales history in full detail. For each product it includes every ticket line detailing the product on invoices billed during the reporting period. Keystone gives you subtotals by product and product class. This is the same information as the Customer Sales History, only sorted by product instead of by customer.

 3/8/2002                                            Product Sales History Report                                         12:31:28 PM
 Program: ARPRSPH                                     Company: Hansco Materials                                            User: PETE
                                 In Sequence By Product Class, Product Id, Invoice Date, Invoice No.
                                                For the period 2/1/2002 thru 2/28/2002
    Product                              Invoice   Invoice  Customer                                 Sls U/          Qty         Ext
      Id         Description               No.      Date       Id      Name                           pn M          Sold        Price
 Product Class B  Block Sales
    12416-21     12x4x16 Solid             25017 2/11/2002  COD        CASH SALES                     H  EA     120.0000       139.20
                                           25063 2/13/2002  COD        CASH SALES                     H  EA     288.0000       334.08
    Total Product 12416-21                                                                                      408.0000       473.28
    2416-21      2x4x16 Solid              25062 2/13/2002  COD        CASH SALES                     H  EA      26.0000        10.66
    6416-21      6x4x16 Solid              25001 2/11/2002  ALL100     Allen Construction             BA EA     144.0000        79.20
    6416S-21     6x4x16 Split              25036 2/12/2002  COD        CASH SALES                     H  EA     100.0000        57.00
                                           25044 2/12/2002  MAS100     Mass. Dept. of Transportation  DS EA    2000.0000      1140.00
                                           25044 2/12/2002  MAS100     Mass. Dept. of Transportation  DS EA    2000.0000      1140.00
                                           25044 2/12/2002  MAS100     Mass. Dept. of Transportation  DS EA    2000.0000      1140.00
                                           25044 2/12/2002  MAS100     Mass. Dept. of Transportation  DS EA    2000.0000      1140.00
                                           25044 2/12/2002  MAS100     Mass. Dept. of Transportation  DS EA    2000.0000      1140.00
                                           25044 2/12/2002  MAS100     Mass. Dept. of Transportation  DS EA    2000.0000      1140.00
                                           25044 2/12/2002  MAS100     Mass. Dept. of Transportation  DS EA    2000.0000      1140.00
                                           25044 2/12/2002  MAS100     Mass. Dept. of Transportation  DS EA    2000.0000      1140.00
                                           25044 2/12/2002  MAS100     Mass. Dept. of Transportation  DS EA    2000.0000      1140.00
                                           25044 2/12/2002  MAS100     Mass. Dept. of Transportation  DS EA    2000.0000      1140.00
                                           25044 2/12/2002  MAS100     Mass. Dept. of Transportation  DS EA    2000.0000      1140.00
    Total Product 6416S-21                                                                                    22100.0000     12597.00