Payroll: Timecard Maintenance
- Payroll
- Entry/Processing
Timecard Maintenance allows you create and maintain payroll timecards. Features include:
- Create multiple timecards for 1 check.
- Setup to create multiple checks for one payroll run.
- Preview the calculation include check amount.
- Override deduction and tax amounts.
Timecard Maintenance is often used to manually enter timecard information.
Using the Program
Creating a Timecard
The top section (timecard header) receives defaults from employee information as well as the information entered during Prepare Payroll.
The lower section (timecard detail) generates one tab per timecard.
There is also an Override Adjustment tab, allowing overrides as needed. (Ex: An employee might earn a bonus which is not subject to deductions).
Override Adjustment
The Override Adjustment tab in Timecard Maintenance is a powerful tool, giving the user the capability of overriding almost any tax or deduction calculation.
While this capability is sometimes necessary, it should be done with considerable care, especially when overriding tax calculations!
To remove an override previously set, simply blank out the Override Value – do NOT set the override value to zero unless you wish to not withhold the tax or deduction.
Note: Certain adjustments are not allowed. For example, for pre-tax deductions that have both a Calc amount and a Ded. amount, you are only allowed to adjust the Calc. amount.
Tips and Tricks
- The F7 key speeds data entry by jumping from section to section.
System Options
- Job Cost Active