Ordering Tax Forms

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Preliminary Notes for 2017 *** Do Not order W-2 Forms or 1095 Forms if you are using the newer Web Services***

GivenHansco forms can be ordered from computerforms.biz

Select GivenHansco as the vendor:


Select the category - for W2s, 1095s and 1099s select Tax Forms:




For 1094/1095 only order "C" forms. A 1094 transmittal kit is included with a 1095 order. The continuation form would only apply for "self-insured"companies who need to handle employees with over 6 covered individuals.

NOTE: For companies that are required to E-File it is recommended to not order 1095 forms. The on-line service costs only slightly more for printed / emailed forms to employees than just E-File alone.