Batch Entry Program

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Keystone contains several Batch Entry Programs. Batch entry programs allow you to enter, save, print and edit data before posting it to the system. This offers you the opportunity to verify that all data is correct and to post a group of entries together.

Batch ID

In order to create a new batch, you need to create a batch ID. This can be any alphanumeric ID up to 20 charcaters long.


The description is useful for finding saved and recurring batches. The batch description is not carried into the posted data.

Recurring Batches

Recurring batches allow you to have a batch that you can use repeatedly. The recurring batch acts as a template to create new batches. All entries in the new batches can be edited or deleted as needed.

To create a recurring batch, create a new batch and check the Recurring Batch checkbox. Continue to enter all of the invoices that you want to be part of your template. You can also convert any regular batch to a recurring batch by checking this box.

When you select a recurring batch, you are given two choices - Edit or to Create a new batch.

Edit will let you change the Recurring Batch.
New Batch creates a copy of the Recurring Batch that can be modified and posted.