On-Delivery Update Required by 03/30/22

From GivenHansco Keystone Help
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Keystone On-Delivery tablets on version 1.7.23 or older may not have Turn By Turn Directions starting on 3-30-2022. Our map partner has issued GivenHansco a new license. If you are on version 1.7.24 or higher Turn by Turn will continue to work. If you do not have the SureMDM tablet software follow these steps to upgrade the tablets to the latest version of Keystone On-Delivery.

  • Open the Play Store application
  • Type in Keystone On-Delivery and open our application page
  • Click the green update box.

If you have SureMDM software GivenHansco support will be reaching out to schedule your tablet updates remotely.

Updating the tablets can be time consuming. If you do not have the SureMDM software, this is a good time to consider purchasing it. This allows GivenHansco to remotely install Keystone On-Delivery updates with just a few clicks!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Why Is This Update Necessary When The Turn By Turn Directions Are Currently Working?
A: Older versions of Keystone On-Delivery do not have the new license key needed to keep turn by turn working beyond 3-30-2022. If you already have version 1.7.24 or higher installed you do not need to take any further actions.
Q: What Happens If I Do Not Update Keystone On-Delivery By 3-30-2022?
A: Keystone On-Delivery will still work, however there is a possibility that turn by turn directions will not work until the new application version is installed or updated.
Q: Why should I purchase an MDM When I Have Lived Without It This Long?
A: We have partnered with 42Gears to provide MDM software to our customers at cost. This allows GivenHansco support staff to update Android, Keystone On-Delivery, and monitor and lockdown the tablet. This also saves you from having to touch each tablet manually to provide android/keystone updates or help drivers troubleshoot their tablets. Going forward the MDM will save you time and frustration when future updates are necessary.
Q: I’m interested in purchasing the MDM. How Do I Get Started?
A: Let us know, so our sales rep can email you a quote. Once the quote is signed and returned, GivenHansco support will help you setup the tablets and re-install any necessary apps. The tablets will need to be completely uninstalled and re-setup in order to use the MDM software.