Payroll: Year End Modifications 2010/2011

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This process is no longer needed!!!


The functions of Year End Modifications are to:

  • Modify payroll for reporting HIRE Act for 2010
  • Modify payroll definitions for reporting Employer Healthcare costs for Employees as required in 2011. (NOTE: This requirement has been delayed until to 2012)
  • Modify payroll to handle separate Social Security rates for employees and employers.

Keystone Setup

Update Keystone. Must be on version 2.4.2 or higher.

Run Year End Modifications from the Payroll>Year End (W-2) menu

Year End Mods Tab

  1. On the Yr End Mods. tab, click Validate 2010 Modifications
  2. Check the result. It should look like:
OpenFile: C:\Program Files\GivenHansco\CC\BIN\resources\PRFORMULA_2010.CDS
OpenFile: C:\Program Files\GivenHansco\CC\BIN\resources\PRFORMFACT_2010.CDS
OpenFile: C:\Program Files\GivenHansco\CC\BIN\resources\PRFORMPOP_2010.CDS
OpenFile: C:\Program Files\GivenHansco\CC\BIN\resources\PRLINKS_2010.CDS
OpenFile: C:\Program Files\GivenHansco\CC\BIN\resources\PRCOMPDEF_2010.CDS
cdsFormula Starting
cdsFormFactor Starting
cdsLinks Starting
Category exists (Key=CO_FICA  User=HIT)
cdsCompDefs Starting
Definition exists (Key=CO_FICA  User=HIT)

If it looks like this, then contact GivenHansco to determine the best course of action:

OpenFile: C:\Program Files\GivenHansco\CC\BIN\resources\PRFORMULA_2010.CDS
OpenFile: C:\Program Files\GivenHansco\CC\BIN\resources\PRFORMFACT_2010.CDS
OpenFile: C:\Program Files\GivenHansco\CC\BIN\resources\PRFORMPOP_2010.CDS
OpenFile: C:\Program Files\GivenHansco\CC\BIN\resources\PRLINKS_2010.CDS
OpenFile: C:\Program Files\GivenHansco\CC\BIN\resources\PRCOMPDEF_2010.CDS
cdsFormula Starting
Formula exists (Key=HLTINSCOST  User=HT_AUTO)
Formula exists (Key=HLTINS_CO  User=HT_AUTO)
Formula exists (Key=HLTINS_EMP  User=HT_AUTO)
cdsFormFactor Starting
Formula Factor exists (Key=HLTINSCOST,COST  User=HT_AUTO)
cdsLinks Starting
Category exists (Key=HLTINS_REP  User=HT_AUTO)
Category exists (Key=HIREACT  User=HT_AUTO)
cdsCompDefs Starting
Definition exists (Key=HLTINSCOST  User=HT_AUTO)
Definition exists (Key=HLTINSEMP  User=HT_AUTO)
Definition exists (Key=HLTINSCO  User=HT_AUTO)
Definition exists (Key=HIREACTGRS  User=HT_AUTO)
  1. Click the Apply 2010 Updates button

Normally, the messages should look like:

cdsFormula Starting
Formula added (Key=HLTINSCOST)
Formula added (Key=HLTINS_CO)
Formula added (Key=HLTINS_EMP)
Formula added (Key=CO_SSTAX)
Formula added (Key=CO_MCTAX)
Formula added (Key=CO_FICATAX)
cdsFormFactor Starting
Formula Factor added (Key=HLTINSCOST,COST)
cdsLinks Starting
Category added (Key=HLTINS_REP)
Category added (Key=HIREACT)
cdsCompDefs Starting
Definition updated *special* (Key=CO_FICA)
Definition added (Key=HLTINSCOST)
Definition added (Key=HLTINSEMP)
Definition added (Key=HLTINSCO)
Definition added (Key=HIREACTGRS)
Definition added (Key=CO_SSTAX)
Definition added (Key=CO_MCTAX)

In cases where the system detects a possible conflict with existing setup, you may be prompted with a warning message to contact GivenHansco support. We will review your situation and give you special instructions for applying the update.

Employee Values Tab (Optional for 2011)

On this tab, you can setup the value for Employee Health Insurance cost. This is the total combined cost paid by the company and the employee for all health insurance for the employee.

  1. Click the Load button
  2. Edit the cost values for each employee
  3. Click Save


Note: Using this option has the same effect as editing the COST factor of the HLTINSCOST definition of the HLTINS_REP Category in Employee Maintenance. EmpMntHlthCost.jpg

Misc. Info (Optional for 2011)

On the Misc. tab, you can select which deductions should be reported as Health Insurance. By default HLTH_AT_DED and HLTH_PT_DED are set.

  1. Click the Load button
  2. Check all deductions to be reported as health insurance.
  3. Click Save


See Also

Payroll: Year End
Payroll: Health Insurance
Payroll: 2010 HIRE Act