Typical Payroll Procedures

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Typical Payroll Procedures

  1. Perform a Hard Disk Backup.
    1. Enter a description of the payroll run. Eg: Company-Wide, Plant 2 & 3, etc.
    2. Verify Cash G/L Account
    3. Enter the Week Ending Date
    4. Enter the Check Date
    5. Verify the G/L Transaction Date
    6. Select the Deduction Week (if applicable)
    7. Verify the deduction and tax periods (typically 1).
  4. Choose AUTOMATIC PAY to generate timecards for salaried employees.
    1. Select the Auto Pay Date (typically the week-ending date)
    2. Select the Pay Category Id (typically REG)
    3. Verify the Cash G/L Account.
  5. Choose TIMECARD MAINTENANCE to manually entered timecards for hourly employees.
    1. Enter the Employee Id.
    2. Verify settings
    3. In the Timecard tab, go to the Category Id field and enter REG for Regular Hours, OT for Overtime, etc.
    4. Enter the hours worked.
    5. Verify the rate, pay and G/L account.
    6. Click on CALCULATE to verify the net pay.
    7. If the employee does not work sufficient hours for his deductions, use the Adjustments Tab to correct.
    8. Repeat for each timecard.
  6. Choose TIMECARD AUDIT LIST and review the data carefully.
  7. Choose CALCULATE PAYROLL and verify the payroll settings.
    Note: If any errors are found between steps 8 and 11, choose REJECT PAYROLL and return to step 5.
  8. Choose PAYROLL REGISTER and verify the resulting employee information.
  9. Choose PRINT PAYCHECKS and verify the paychecks.
  10. Choose PRINT DIRECT DEPOSIT STUBS and verify the paychecks.
  11. Choose PAYCHECK REGISTER and verify the paycheck information.
  12. Choose COMPANY TOTALS REGISTER and verify the company totals.
  13. If all information is correct from steps 8 through 11, perform a Hard Disk Backup.
  14. Choose ACCEPT PAYROLL.