Release Notes for Keystone 2.3.x

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Build 2.3.16


Payroll Tax Library

Updated to version 2010-R15.


A/R Aged Trial Balance

Fixed 'Cannot convert xx.xx to string' exception when running Summary report.

Dispatch Order Maintenance
Ticketing Order Maintenance

Allow entry of "00:00" (midnight) as a delivery time.

Ticketing Order Stack

The Delivery Date column now displays the date in the proper format.

Quote Maintenance

Fixed speed issue at startup and when a quote is saved.

Build 2.3.15


Certified Payroll Report

Now asks for return address and week number.
Settings are saved for state tax, other tax and deductions.

Payroll Tax Library

Updated to version 2010-R13.


A/R Sales Tax Report

Corrected discount total to handle multiple locality tax authorities.

A/R Void Invoice

Corrected to properly reverse the inventory sale transactions from the original invoice.


Fixed F12 Print function in maintenance programs to work properly on Windows 7.

Build 2.3.14


Dispatch Order Maintenance
Quote Maintenance

The calendar on the Advanced Search screen now updates the date selection field.

Device Aggregator

Now includes the truck status when processing a ticket retransmit request.


A/R Cash Posting

Fixed incorrect warning about allowing too much tax when applying a tax-only allowance.

A/R Credit Reference Letters

Fixed problem where service charges were doubled in the aging totals.

A/R Customer Maintenance

Fixed Rename function so it doesn't double the customer's A/R balance.

A/R Automatic Product Maintenance

Fixed error when clicking OK on the edit screen with no changes.

A/R Setup Periods
A/P Setup Periods
G/L Setup Periods
Payroll Setup Periods
J/C Setup Periods
C/M Setup Periods

Removed warning about closed periods.

Dispatch Order Maintenance

Fixed problem when copying orders where the new (copied) order could have a blank delivery time.

Ticketing Order Stack

Fixed Refresh button so it works properly with Asphalt Silo Loadout module.
Fixed "cdsUGDOptions: cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset" error when closing the program after changing the printer setup.

Payroll Department Maintenance

Added Reimbursement definition type to the lookup list.

Payroll SUTA/FUTA Report

No longer includes employees with zero gross pay for the reporting period.

Asphalt Silo Loadout

Corrected handling when re-ticketing a previously voided load.

Build 2.3.12


Quote Maintenance

Added ability to search on Ship To 1 and Delivery Instruction 1 fields in advanced quote search.

Payroll Tax Library

Updated to 2010-R12 version.

Build 2.3.11


Certified Payroll Report

New report added to the Payroll Reports menu.

Job Cost Detail Report

New report added to the Job Cost Reports menu.

Payroll Tax Library

Updated to 2010-R11 version.


A/R Sales Tax Report

Corrected discount tax reporting.

Dispatch Schedule
Ticketing Order Stack

Fixed wrong order appearing the first time Edit Order function is used.

Build 2.3.10


A/R Apply Service Charges

Now supports compound interest.

A/R Cash Posting
A/R Inquiry
A/R Invoice Job Corrections
A/R Open Ticket Stack
A/R Product Price Changes
A/R Quick Ticket Entry
A/R Ticket Maintenance
Dispatch Order Maintenance
Dispatch Ticket Printing
J/C Job Maintenance
Ticketing Order Maintenance
Ticketing Ticket Printing

Improved speed of Job Id lookup.

A/R Truck Maintenance

Performance improvement for large amounts of GPS data.

J/C Setup Periods

New option added to J/C Setup menu.

Device Maintenance

Added "Link Device ID" field.

Dispatch Schedule

Added "Order Search" button which starts the Order Maintenance option.
Improved start-up time of Edit Order & Quick Order.

Dispatch Ticket Printing
Ticketing Ticket Printing
Application Server
Device Aggregator
Device Server

Added re-transmit batch ticket support to GH NEXTEL2 interface to support Keystone GPS.

Device Server

Added web configuration of IP address and port number.

Payroll Tax Library

Updated to 2010-R10 version.


A/R Customer Price List

The Active/Inactive checkboxes now select the customer's active flag.

A/R Group Price List

Removed Active/Inactive checkboxes.

A/R Import Batch Tickets

Online tickets are now properly cleared when more than one location is imported at the same time.

A/R Sales Tax Report

Fixed preview option to ask for destination printer when printing.
Changed report layout to mimic 2.2 version.

A/R Zone Maintenance

Fix so zone times and prices can be edited.

Dispatch Order Maintenance

The zone travel times are now properly updated when the plant number is changed for an existing order.

Dispatch Schedule

Fixed Clocked In truck count.
Fixed "Field unknown: UNLOAD_RATE_MINYD" exception when printing ticket.
Fix data mismatch issue when the payment dialog was cancelled during ticket printing.
Fix double-truck on same load issue.

A/P Handwritten Check Entry

Fixed Division Number and tax information fields which were not being properly filled in.

A/P Void Invoices

Fix Access Violation when using A/P by Divisions and the Invoice History Audit Trail option is checked.

G/L Financial Statements

Fixed conversion exception when NEWPAGE command parameter missing.

Payroll Timecard Maintenance

Fix Local Code, J/C Job Id and J/C Budget Category fields so that only existing values from the drop-down list may be entered.

Application Server

Fixed processing of GPS coordinates so that a job site's coordinates will not be set if the truck is currently inside the plant's geofence.

Device Aggregator

Reduced memory usage.

Device Server

Reduced memory usage.
Handle unexpected exceptions within batch links.


Fixed exception "Date must be entered" when renaming items.

Build 2.3.9


A/R Cash Posting

Fix exception "cdsAllInvTaxTrx: Field 'TAXABLE_CHG' not found" when posting an allowance which includes a sales tax adjustment.

Generate A/R Cash Tax Transactions

Program now also corrects the discount information in the invoice tax transactions.

Payroll Print Direct Deposit Stubs

The check number for the bank account will no longer be set at the end of the stub run.

Build 2.3.8


Dispatch Schedule

The Clocked In and Clocked Out Trucks lists now show the count of each on the screen.

Application Server

Database upgrade function now compatible with InterBase 2009.

Web Server

Added Logout menu option.
On Login page the User Id is now forced to uppercase.


Dispatch Ticket Printing
Ticketing Ticket Printing

The Tax Authority can no longer be left blank on a ticket.

Payroll Print Checks
Payroll Reprint Checks

The Run Number field will now print properly on check forms.

Build 2.3.7


A/R Sales Tax Report

Includes functionality of Sales Tax Adjustment Report which has been removed from the menu.
Added detail print option.
Added ability to run by tax authority or tax locality.
Allow selection of transaction types to include on the report.
The transaction date range will default to the current month.
Performance improvement.

Web Server

Added login page with ability to specify Company and System Date.
Added Custom Reports from Keystone system menu.
Parameter values are now shown on Query Results page.


A/R Import Batch Tickets

Fixed to use correct tax code when importing tickets with associated job prices.

A/R Invoice Register

Performance improvement when selecting by customer.

Build 2.3.6


Quote Maintenance

If the Quote Id for a new quote is left blank, the system will now automatically generate a quote number.
An advanced version of F4 search has been added to more easily lookup old quotes.

Payroll Tax Library

Updated to 2010-R6 version.


Generate A/R Cash Tax Transactions

Fixed issue with tax adjustment allowances for invoices with an effective tax rate of 0%.

Build 2.3.5


A/R Product Maintenance

The Rename button is now active.


A/R Product Maintenance

Fixed to copy newly added product fields when using the Copy Products feature.

A/R Generate Cash Tax Transactions

Fixed issue with calculating discount tax.

Inventory On Order Maintenance

The Copy Products button has been removed.

Build 2.3.4

New Features

A/R Product Maintenance

Mix Design handling (optional) has been added which allows you to setup a mix design with inventory, cost and general ledger information and set the mix to be transmitted via dispatch to the batch control. Contact GivenHansco for more information about this feature.

Dispatch Order Maintenance

Quantity Per Load handling has been added which allows you to specify how much of each product will be shipped per load.

Payroll Direct Deposit Handling

You can now print paychecks and direct deposit stubs separately and on different forms. Contact GivenHansco for more information about this feature.


A/R Product Maintenance

Added new mix design tab which shows Yield and W/C Ratio for the mix.
Added system options for default mix ingredient units of measure. Contact support for help with this feature.
When entering a mix design, only products designated as ingredients will be shown in the product drop-down list.

A/R Product Cost Rollup Report

Detail mode now lists the structure unit of measure and reports component costs in terms of the component's product unit of measure.

Dispatch Order Maintenance

Load Size has been removed from the upper portion of the screen--use the new Load Size column in the product area instead.

Dispatch Ticket Printing
Ticketing Ticket Printing

Supports sending a ticket to multiple batch controls.

Dispatch Void Ticket
Ticketing Void Ticket

Supports voiding a ticket to multiple batch controls.

Payroll Magnetic Media Export

Added Georgia state support.

Payroll Print Paychecks
Payroll Reprint Paychecks

These options print checks for those employees who are paid via a paper check alone or in combination with direct deposit.

Payroll Print Direct Deposit Stubs
Payroll Reprint Direct Deposit Stubs

New options added to the Payroll menu which print direct deposit stubs for those employees who are paid only via direct deposit.

Payroll Tax Library

Updated to 2010-R5 version.

Device Maintenance

Added batch link test mode.

Application Server
Device Aggregator
Device Server
Web Server

All configuration and diagnostics for these applications is now done through a web interface.

Device Aggregator
Device Server
Web Server

These service applications are now Windows Vista/7/2008 compliant.

Device Server

Universal Link batch controls now use a default Unit Id of 001.
Improved shutdown time.

System Menu

Added F1 online help.


Added progress "gas gauge" to indicate progress of generating the report.


A/R Cash Posting

Now properly handles tax authorities with a 0% total tax rate.
Removed the three diagnostic tabs.

A/R Inquiry

Restored the ability to resize the invoice detail window.

A/R Print Invoices

Fixed exception when processing a tax authority with non-existent tax locality or no tax locality applies for the invoice date.
Fixed exception when processing ticket payments for a tax authority with a 0% total tax rate.
When relieving component inventory, convert the quantity per assembly from the structure unit of measure to the component product's unit of measure before relieving.

A/R Product Cost Rollup Report

When processing components, convert the quantity per assembly from the structure unit of measure to the component product's unit of measure before relieving.

A/R Sales Tax Adjustments Report

Fixed problem where the amounts could double, triple, etc. when more than one record exists for a particular tax locality.

Generate A/R Cash Tax Transactions

Greatly improved the accuracy of the generated transactions.

Device Server

Fixed issue where non-existent batch controls would cause the program to consume 99% of the CPU time.
Exception handling within batch control links has been improved.
When polling for batch weights, only one attempt will be made per poll cycle.
Fixed several issues which could lead to the device server consuming 99% of the CPU.

Build 2.3.3



Corrected A/R sales tax discrepancy checking to avoid giving warnings when using Qty x Rate (severance) tax methods.
Corrected incorrect sales tax values when using tax localities with Qty x Rate (severance) tax method.

Build 2.3.2


A/P Print Checks
A/P Reprint Checks

Added ability to print "1099 Name" field on checks.

A/R Void Invoice

Overhauled to use all original data when reversing transactions.
Uses new "Cash by Plant" system option when determining Cash G/L account for automatic reconciliation.


A/R Print Invoices

Corrected to generate tax transactions for tickets with cash payments.

Dispatch Void Ticket
Ticketing Void Ticket

Corrected to allow more than one ticket for a customer to be voided within the same run.

A/P Vendor Maintenance

Changed label from "Name 2" to "1099 Name" to more accurately reflect the purpose of this field.

G/L Financial Statements

Corrected issue where in some cases transactions from the last Balance Sheet account were not included.

Build 2.3.1


A/R Open Ticket Stack

Fixed "cdsTicketList: Record not found" exception when changing a job.

A/R Sales Tax Adjustments Report

Fixed to work properly with new sales tax transactions.

Build 2.3.0



The system has been overhauled to more accurately track sales tax based on collections.


Payroll Magnetic Media Export

Corrected problem with recent configuration changes not taking effect until the server was restarted.