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06/25/2021 11:39:53 AM                                                  Job Profit                                                                  Page 1
Program: ARPRSPJ                                                     Company: Demo B                                                   Session: 9367  HIT
								In Sequence By Customer Id, Job Id
									$ Amounts Per CY
                                       CYs        Sales      Material    Material        Plant    Delivery         Admin        Total       Gross
                                                  Price         Cost       Margin     Overhead        Cost      Overhead         Cost       Profit      %
Cust ALLEN      Allen Construction
      108 NORTHSIDE                 336.00         64.13        29.73        34.40         8.12         7.41         6.06        52.64        11.48     17.9
      178 N. ELM                     14.00         63.00        30.64        32.36         8.00        15.16         6.00        60.55         2.45      3.9
      B&R WHOLESALERS                25.00         61.80        29.94        31.86         9.00         1.00          .00        41.34        20.46     33.1
      BIRCHWOOD ACRES               240.00         60.00        29.67        30.33         8.00         8.55         6.00        52.97         7.03     11.7
      ECHO VALLEY                  1103.50         64.97        31.20        33.77         9.37         3.52         7.21        52.70        12.27     18.9
      GEORGIA STATE                 130.32         65.47        29.79        35.68        10.82          .72         5.97        48.07        17.40     26.6
      MEIJER                         50.00         57.00        29.94        27.06         8.00         2.40         6.00        46.34        10.66     18.7
      PARK-N-RIDE                  6506.51         55.63        28.63        27.00         8.19         8.71         6.08        53.32         2.31      4.2
      RED OAKS                       71.50         63.06        30.15        32.91         8.00          .84         6.00        46.96        16.09     25.5
      VALE DO ECO                     5.00         63.00        29.94        33.06         8.00         1.50         6.00        47.19        15.81     25.1
      Total Job Id                  172.00         59.35        29.99        29.35         8.16         5.03         5.02        50.45         8.90     15.0
   Total Customer ALLEN            8653.83         57.60        29.10        28.49         8.37         7.68         6.18        52.95         4.65      8.1