Difference between revisions of "Release Notes for Keystone 2.9.x"
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Latest revision as of 13:00, 8 January 2020
Build 2.9.18 - 7/1/2016
A/R Aged Trial Balance
- Add Job Class selection.
A/R Credit Card Pre-Approval
- An order event will be generated when either the authorization amount or the override amount is changed.
- An order event will be generated when the authorization status is changed to "Rejected."
- When an override amount is entered the "Ovr By" field will be filled in with the current user ID and cannot be changed.
Dispatch Order Maintenance
- When copying an order the "Advanced" copy checkbox for "Delivery Ship-To" will now also copy the delivery GPS location.
Dispatch Schedule
- The "Next" load time column will now show "Blocked" if the customer's credit status is Blocked.
- The last Plant Group selected on the schedule will now be remembered for the user.
G/L Budget List
G/L General Ledger Report
G/L Source Code Journal
G/L Trial Balance
- Add user checkbox option to print commas in dollar amounts.
G/L Budget List
G/L Source Code Journal
- Significant performance improvement when selecting by account number and/or transaction date.
Payroll Company Maintenance
- Add grid to enter ACA aggregated group members.
Payroll Employee Maintenance
- Add "ACA Control Text" field to employee and employee dependents grid.
- Display warning when the Social Security Number already exists for another employee.
Payroll 1095-C E-File Export
- Final version for 2015 electronic filing.
Payroll Tax Library
- Updated to 2016-R7a version.
Keystone On-Demand Server
- Updated to version.
Dispatch Order Maintenance
- Fix on-screen order totals to reflect actual ticket totals for shipped loads and projected totals for unshipped loads. (This corrects the case where items such as Fuel/Haul charges are manually added to individual tickets.)
Dispatch Schedule
- The on-screen schedule totals will now show correctly when the Plant Group is changed.
- Fix exception "EInvalidOperation" when editing a ticket without batch weights after editing a ticket with batch weights during the same session.
Dispatch Ticket Printing
- Fix exception EVariantError when entering a ticket for a COD customer with the CC/Prepay box checked.
Dispatch Void Ticket
Ticketing Void Ticket
- Fix Customer Id drop-down list so it does not include inactive customers.
Inventory On Order Maintenance
- Fix runtime error at startup.
A/P Handwritten Check Entry
- When the "Post Voucher Trx by Invoice Date" system option is off, all G/L transactions will be posted using the "Trans Date" from the batch.
System Menu
- Fix "Help->Quick Support" menu option.
Build 2.9.17 - 5/20/2016
Dispatch Beginning of Day
- Default lo/hi values for Plant Id can now be assigned by user when selecting "Return All Trucks." Please contact support if you need this feature.
Dispatch End of Day
Dispatch Driver Time/Yardage Analysis Report
Dispatch Blank Time Fields Report
Dispatch Batch Weights Report
Dispatch Driver Hours Report
Dispatch Detailed Yardage Report
Dispatch Plant Time/Yardage Analysis Report
Dispatch Late Time Report
Dispatch Order Audit Trail Report
Dispatch Order Time/Yardage Analysis Report
Dispatch Profit Alert Report
Dispatch Plant Production Report
Dispatch Ticket Time Analysis Report
Dispatch Load Schedule Report
Ticketing End of Day
- Default lo/hi values for Plant Id can now be assigned by user. Please contact support if you need this feature.
Dispatch Schedule
- When plant groups have been setup, the "Plants" slider on the schedule screen now allows you to select the plant group to be displayed. This also results in better performance and minimzes the data that is retrieved.
- An option can be assigned by user which will restrict the schedule to a single plant group. Please contact support if you need this feature.
Dispatch Order Maintenance
- Performance improvement by limiting the time to "look back" through order history.
- The default value for the "look back" can be set system-wide or per user (overall default is 3 months.)
- Add run-time option to allow the user to select a different "look back" option.
Dispatch Cash Payment Entry
- Performance improvement by only looking back 1 month for order history.
Payroll Tax Library
- Updated to 2016-R6 version.
A/R Credit Card Pre-Approval
- Fixed to minimize conflicts when the same order is being accessed in Dispatch Order Maintenance/Ticket Printing.
Dispatch Order Maintenance
- Fixed order lookup to sort descending by Delivery Date, then Delivery Time.
Keystone GPS Interface
- Corrected to support 10 character GPS Unit Id.
Build 2.9.16 - 5/6/2016
Payroll Time Card Import
- Modified Timecard import for Datamatics.
A/R Quick Ticket Entry
A/R Open Ticket Stack
- Fix to properly set the Billing Plant Number in the ticket table so that tickets invoice properly.
A/R Ticket Maintenance
- Fix billing plant number incorrectly cleared after modifying an existing ticket with a billing plant.
A/R Void Invoice
- If you void an invoice and re-open the tickets, then later invoice those tickets, the Plant Id for the invoice will be blank.
Dispatch Order Maintenance
- Remove the "Customer Notes" tab for now.
A/P Inquiry
- Fix so the "Due/Paid" field shows a value (broken in
Payroll Employee Maintenance
- Fix exception "EDatabaseError: Field LINK_ID must have a value" when adding a new employee (broken in
Payroll SUTA E-File Export
- Fix incorrect employee gross and withholding due amounts in 'E' record.
Payroll SUTA/FUTA Report
- Fix exception "EDatabaseError: cdsReport Field 'MONTH_1_EMPLOYMENT' not found" when using the MTD/YTD report option.
Database Update
- Fix Billing Plant Number on existing tickets.
- Fix missing Plant Number on existing invoices when A/R By Plant option is set.
Build 2.9.15 - 4/22/2016
A/P Inquiry
- Fix grid column heading for "Due/Paid" column.
Calculate Payroll
- Fix generated A/P payments Invoice Number to avoid duplicates when generating multiple payments per employee.
Payroll Employee Maintenance
- Fix activate/deactivate an income, deduction, tax, net pay category so it only activates/deactivates the definitions associated with that single category (broken in
- Use truck's current Billing Plant Number if available.
Build 2.9.14 - 4/20/2016
A/R Inquiry
A/P Inquiry
- Add ability to sort grid columns (sort options are saved when the option is closed.)
A/R Re-Print Invoices
- You can now select the invoice form to use when printing (if more than one form is available.)
A/R Job Price Maintenance
- Add "Usage Type" field to screen, carry from job to order and job to ticket.
- Add "Last Changed" and "Changed By" columns to the detail product grid.
A/R Prepare Remote Ticketing Data
- Performance/Security improvement: do not send office ticket tables to plant.
- Performance/Security improvement: when optimizing product transactions do not generate cost records and only process products that are stocked and active.
Quote Maintenance
- Add "Usage Type" field to screen, carry from quote to job when booking job.
- Add ability to print the email address that the quote is being emailed to on the form.
A/R Job Prices List
Print Quotes
- The "Usage Description" field is now printable on the form.
A/R Truck List
- Add "In-Service" column to report.
A/R Credit Card Pre-Approval
- Add "Ship To" field to order grid.
Dispatch Order Maintenance
- Add "Customer Notes" tab (read only.)
Dispatch Order Maintenance
Dispatch Ticket Printing
Ticketing Order Maintenance
Ticketing Ticket Printing
- Add system option to control credit limit warning (please contact support if you need to disable the credit limit warning.)
Dispatch Schedule
- When a truck is locked to an order, display the Order Code column of the Clocked-In Trucks grid using the order's color.
G/L Journal Entry
- Add on-screen hint for the F5 key to toggle between normal/reversing batch.
Payroll Employee Inquiry
- Significant performance improvement at startup and when moving between employees.
Payroll Employee Maintenance
- Significant performance improvement at startup, when moving between employees and when using the "Load Data" button on the History tab.
- Replace previous three-level grids on Income, Taxes, Deductions and Net Pay tabs with separate grids.
- Consolidate "Pay Info" and "Misc Info" tabs into new "Employee Info" tab.
- Consolidate "ACA-2" tab into "ACA" tab.
Payroll SUTA/FUTA Report
- Add new report sequences which sort by employee home plant number and subtotal by plant.
Payroll Tax Library
- Updated to 2016-R5 version.
System Menu
- Add "F1" caption to Online Help menu option.
- Populate previously added "Billing Plant Number" field in the ticket tables for new and existing tickets.
A/R Credit Card Pre-Approval
- Fix calculation of Order Total for orders with automatic quantity products based on order load count.
A/R Job Lookups
- Fix "CutoffDays" system option to properly support the value of -1 which indicates no cutoff.
A/R Plant Maintenance
A/R Product Maintenance
- When copying plant products, only copy Active products.
- When copying plant products, copy the following additional fields: Export, Mix U/M, Batch U/M, Reconcile Group, Send to Batch, UPC Code, Production Out G/L, Proudction In G/L.
A/R Product Maintenance
- When copying a single product to another product, copy the same set of fields used by the copy plant products function.
A/R Print Invoices
- Do not process void tickets that are flagged as HOLD.
- Fix invoices not separating properly when using Billing Plant number.
Dispatch Cash Payment Entry
- Fix so receipt prints for payments received on account that are not attached to an order.
Dispatch Order Maintenance
- Fix "Tickets" tab so it shows all the tickets for the order (in 2.9.13 only one ticket per order was shown.)
- Do not reprice the order if the zone is changed and there are no zone price records setup in the system.
- Do not display "Unit Price" field change events if prices should not be shown for the order.
Dispatch Order Audit Trail
- Do not include "Unit Price' field change events if prices should not be shown for the order.
Ticketing Order Stack
- Fix CTRL-UP/CTRL-DOWN to adjust the font size of the order grid.
Calculate Payroll
- Fix "cdsWarnings: Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset" when the application server raises an exception, thus obscuring the true error.
Payroll Adjust Employee Balances
- When creating G/L transactions do not allow posting into an unopened G/L period.
Payroll SUTA E-File Export
- Fix 2016 export for Louisianna.
C/M Statement Reconciliation
- Validate "Deposit Date" field on Combine Deposits dialog.
System Menu
- Removed Web Update, Load Update and Release Update options from System Maintenance menu when running on a network workstation.
- Fix to use CCTEMP environment variable when determining where to store temporary files (broken in 2.9.12.)
Build 2.9.13 - 4/1/2016
A/R Automatic Product Maintenance
- Added ability to add automatic products based on Truck Class.
- Added ability to add automatic products during Online and Remote Ticket Import.
A/R Inquiry
- Add "Job Desc" field as an optional field on the grid.
A/R Product Class Maintenance
A/R Product Maintenance
- Added new default fields for new products: Dispatch Export, Price Rollup, Sellable, Send to Batch, Ingredient Type, Production In G/L and Production Out G/L.
Dispatch Order Maintenance
- Added new fields to Ticket History grid: Plant, Product Code, Description, U/M and Qty Sold.
Payroll Employee Maintenance
- Added "Dependent Type" field to "ACA-2" tab.
Payroll Print 1095-C Forms
- Added "Advanced" tab to allow setting of custom print margins.
A/R Credit Card Pre-Approval
- Closed orders will no longer appear on the order list.
Inventory Reconciliation
- Fixed "Source Trans Type" value when generating G/L transactions for a Production Receipt.
Dispatch Order Maintenance
- Allow adjustment of "CC Auth" field after the first load of an order has shipped.
- Fixed issue where pressing ENTER would not trigger the button action when the "Treat ENTER as TAB" system option is enabled (Keystone 3 only.)
Build 2.9.12 - 3/23/2016
System Menu
- When activating Keystone as an additional network workstation, allow the Application Server version to be newer than the client.
A/R Import Tickets
- (Import Online Tickets) Fix duplicate ticket checking logic for payment-only tickets (they all have ticket number zero so include ticket date & time when checking.)
- (Import Online Tickets) Fix duplicate ticket overwrite to use the same logic as the duplicate ticket checking when processing payment-only tickets.
Dispatch Cash Payment Entry
- Fix missing F2 capability on OK button.
- Add Tax Authority field to screen and populate as Ticket Printing would.
- Enable CANCEL button during payment entry.
- Validate that Customer Number and Payment Amount have been entered before posting payment.
- Confirm when attempting to close form after a Customer Number has been entered.
Dispatch Ticket Time Analysis Report
- Fix "Invalid floating point operation" exception when run using the "Time In Status" time variance calculation.
- Fix so local cached lookups are always positioned to the first record when refreshing (Keystone 3 only.)
Build 2.9.11 - 3/18/2016
A/R Customer Labels
A/R Product Labels
A/P Vendor Labels
Payroll Employee Labels
- Add user option to select number of labels to print per entity.
Dispatch Detailed Yardage Report
- Print full customer name on "Total Customer" line.
- Print % of total quantity when printing plant subtotal.
Query Export
- When printing a report containing memo fields, the memo fields will now convert tab characters into the correct number of spaces.
- When printing a report containing blob (image) fields, these fields will not output the text "(image)" in a 10-character wide column.
A/R Customer Maintenance
- Fix "no focus" issue when adding a customer on-the-fly from another option. (Some other maintenance options were affected by this as well.)
A/R MTD Cash Posting Register
- Plant subtotals will now always print even if there is just one detail record for the plant.
A/R Product Maintenance
- Recalculate Mix Profit Margin regardless of whether the W/C Ratio and Yield need to be recalculated.
Dispatch Order Maintenance
- Fix "deadlock" issue when two people edit the same order at the same time. This was causing inconsistencies in the order data and could lead to the Dispatch Schedule freezing when trying to ticket that order.
- When recording field change events the old and new values were not being recorded (Keystone 3 only.)
P.O. Receipt Maintenance
- Fix Access Violation exception when using F12 to print.
Query Export
- When printing a report containing memo fields, the memo fields were not wrapping to multiple lines (Keystone 3 only.)
Application Server
- Fix to properly set company database cache buffer size (Keystone 3 only.)
Build 2.9.10 - 3/11/2016
Payroll Tax Library
- Updated to 2016-R4 version.
System Menu
- The items listed under Custom Reports/Custom Exports will now be sorted alphabetically by description.
Database Update
- Recalculate w/c ratio and yield for all mix products where the stored values have not been calculated yet.
A/R Product Maintenance
- Recalculate mix product w/c ratio and yield if ingredients have been changed, % air has been changed or the stored values have not been calculated yet.
Dispatch Order Maintenance
- Fix "Sub Total", "Tax Total" and "Order Total" labels not resizing into correct position when form is maximized then restored (Keystone 3 only.)
Dispatch Schedule
- Fix failure to detect that a truck is being pre-ticketed when using the right-click order “New Ticket” option.
- When right-clicking an order and selecting “New Ticket”, always use the order Plant Id as the default on the ticket stub screen. (Previously used the last ticket’s Plant Id.)
- Fix performance issue when refreshing the schedule or printing a ticket (introduced in 2.9.9).
Dispatch Ticket Printing
- Adjust the red alert messages on the ticket stub screen when the Truck/Plant Id are changed.
- When a truck with returned concrete was sent on the next load, the “Qty On Board” number was not being filled in for that truck on the ticket stub screen.
Dispatch Truck Demand Graph
- Fixed “double times” (each time slot showed the start time twice) showing at the bottom of the demand graph (Keystone 3 only.)
- The PDF report option was not calculating font sizes with high precision, leading to excessive whitespace on the right and bottom edges of the page. This was most noticeable on landscape reports (Keystone 3 only.)
Build 2.9.9 - 3/5/2016
A/R Aged Trial Balance Report
- Add checkbox for Customer Page Break which will print each customer on a separate page for Detail mode.
A/R Credit Card Pre-Approval
- Add security option to allow editing of orders directly from this screen.
A/R Product Maintenance
- Add fields in the product table to store the W/C Ratio and Yield for concrete mixes.
- Recalculate the W/C Ratio and Yield values (if needed) when looking up a product with the Mix Design tab active, or when switching to the Mix Design tab.
A/R Product Price Changes
- When calculating job price changes, ignore job products that have a Unit Price of zero.
A/R Re-print Invoices
- Plant Number selection is now based on the Billing Plant Number from the invoice (previously used the Plant Number from the ticket history.)
- Add INV_PLANT_NO form field which represents the invoice Billing Plant Number.
- Change TCK_PLANT_NAME, TCK_PLANT_SCREEN_ID form fields to represent the plant name and plant screen id of the Plant Number from ticket history.
- Change DIVISION_NO, DIVISION_NAME form fields to represent the division number and name of the Billing Plant Number from the invoice.
Dispatch Cash Payment Entry
- Add ability to print order product detail and order totals on the payment receipt.
Dispatch Order Maintenance
- Add CALC_EXTAMOUNT form field which represents the Qty Ordered X Unit Price for each product.
- Add ORDER_LOAD_CNT form field which represents the estimated number of loads for the order.
- For pre-pay orders, when the Order Total exceeds the current pre-pay total display the difference as "Amt Reqd" instead of displaying "Avail Credit."
Dispatch Order Maintenance
Dispatch Ticket Printing
Ticketing Order Maintenance
Ticketing Ticket Printing
- Add security option to control ability to edit the detail product description.
Dispatch Ticket Printing
- Add threshold option which determines whether the order balance has exceeded the pre-pay amount.
A/P Cash Flow Analysis Report
- Add report sequence options for Vendor Sequence, Due Date and Due Date, Vendor Sequence.
P.O. Receipts List
- Add Product Class selection.
Device Server
- Add REXCON batch control protocol which supports 6 to 12 extra products per ticket.
A/R Credit Card Pre-Approval
- Do not include cancelled/completed orders on the screen.
A/R Job Price Maintenance
- Fix "Copy Job" customer drop-down list to show all customers instead of just the current customer.
A/R Product Costs by Job Report
- Fix exception when one or more product classes saved for the report no longer exist.
Quote Maintenance
- Fix "Copy Quote" prospect drop-down list to show all prospects instead of just the current prospect.
Dispatch Cash Payment Entry
- Refresh Dispatch Schedule after a payment is posted.
- Copy SHIP_TO_1 field from order to payment ticket.
- Set WEIGHMASTER field in payment ticket from system option.
Dispatch Order Maintenance
- Prevent editing of Load Size detail grid column for comment lines.
- Properly set the ability to edit detail grid columns when moving up/down within the grid.
- Allow "CC Auth Pending" checkbox to be unchecked.
Dispatch Schedule
- Fix calculation of Elapsed Time when a load returns to the plant. (Elapsed Time for Dispatch tickets dated 10/1/2014 or later will be automatically recalculated as part of this update.)
- Fix Void Ticket function to properly void loads that are pre-ticketed.
Dispatch Void Tickets
- Fix exception "EDatabaseError: cdsMaster: Field 'qryTktInfo' not found" when voiding a ticket (when running directly from the menu.)
A/P Aged Trial Balance
- Fix vendor class totals so they only appear when the Vendor Class report sequence is selected.
A/P Invoice Vouchering
- Fix P.O. Receipts link screen to show all products on each receipt (previously only the first product was shown.)
Payroll Employee Maintenance
- Ensure that Social Security Number field is blank or contains exactly 9 numeric characters.
Build 2.9.8 - 2/23/2016
Export Tickets to Accounting
- Add ability to output a custom header record for CSV exports.
A/R Plant Maintenance
- Fix exception regarding missing "BILLING_PLANT_NO" field at start-up when either Dispatch or Ticketing Ticket Printing run previously.
Inventory Production Receipts
- Fix batch posting logic so that production receipt transactions will be reconciled properly.
Inventory Reconciliation
- Fix calculation of Avg Cost for production receipts of stocked items: now calculates a weighted average of prior balance with new production cost.
Query Export
- Fix Access Violation exception when using CTRL+DEL while in update mode for a query that returns only one record in the results.
Form Maintenance
- Fix EDatabaseError exception - cdsMaster: Field 'IMAGE_0' not found on startup (Keystone 3.)
Device Server
- Fix IntegraXML (TrakIt) batch control interface to properly HTML-encode XML values.
- Delay polling for batch weights until the first successful connection is made to the batch control when sending a ticket or a mix design.
- Discontinue polling for batch weights if the connection to the batch control fails during any operation.
Build 2.9.7 - 2/12/2016
A/R Credit Card Pre-Approval
- New option on the Accounts Receivable menu which allows office personnel to enter credit card authorization information for specific orders. Please contact support if you need this feature.
A/R Plant Maintenance
- Add "Billing Plant" field to control invoice separation and to be used as the plant number when generating invoices.
A/R Product Maintenance
- The Copy Products dialog now includes the plant number along with the plant name in the plant list.
- Add "Profit" field on the mix design tab which represents the List Price less the Total Cost of the mix.
- Security options have been added to control visiblity of cost/profit information and to allow editing of mix design fields. Please contact support if you require these options.
Dispatch Cash Payment Entry
- New option which allows entry of cash payments on account or to apply to specific orders. Please contact support if you need this feature.
Dispatch End of Day
Ticketing End of Day
- The Cash Register portion of the report has been split into three parts: Payments On Account, Ticket Payments and Order Pre-payments.
Dispatch Order Maintenance
- Show "Available Credit" on screen for orders that have a pre-pay or credit card pre-approval amount.
Dispatch Schedule
- Add visual indicator for orders that require a pre-pay or credit card pre-approval but have neither.
Payroll Tax Library
- Updated to version 2016-R3.
A/R Email Invoices
- Fix problem where invoices generated from "Export Tickets to Accounting" were no longer included in the list of available sessions (introduced in 2.9.0).
Dispatch Schedule
- Fix screen caption to say "No Orders" when there are no active orders displayed.
System Menu
- Fix to allow mobile-only users to be edited in User Maintenance.
Build 2.9.6 - 1/29/2016
A/P Year End Processing
A/R Year End Processing
G/L Year End Processing
- Close all periods for the year just closed.
Period Maintenance
- When creating a new year's worth of periods, set the first period to Open and the rest to Unopen.
A/R Job Price Maintenance
- Do not allow entry of one or more blanks as the new Job Id when copying a job.
Quote Maintenance
- Do not allow entry of one or more blanks as the Quote Id when copying a quote.
Dispatch Order Maintenance
- Do not copy credit approval fields when copying an order.
Dispatch Order Maintenance
Ticketing Order Maintenance
- Do not allow entry of one or more blanks as the new Order Id when copying an order.
File Maintenance
- Fix exception "EInvalidOperation: Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window" when using double-click to drill-down.
Build 2.9.5 - 1/21/2016
Inventory Production Receipts
- Allow entry of production receipts for products with no components.
Inventory Reconciliation
- Generate G/L transactions for production receipts for products with no components.
Payroll Adjust Definition Balances
- Add "Show Inactive Employees" checkbox.
Payroll Company Maintenance
- Add "Self-Insured Employer" checkbox to ACA tab.
Payroll Employee Maintenance
- Add new tab "ACA-2" to allow entry of covered individuals for self-insured employers.
Payroll 1095-C E-File Export
Payroll Print 1095-C Forms
- Updated to handle self-insured employers.
File Maintenance
- When using PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN to cycle through items, perform date validation prior to posting the item.
A/R Product Maintenance
- The Components tab will now be shown for "Ingredient" products.
Dispatch Order Maintenance
- Fix "No permission to CHANGE an order" message when using PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN to cycle through orders.
Dispatch Ticket Printing
- The "Source" for tickets will now be properly set as "Dispatch."
Inventory Reconciliation
- Fix G/L source transaction type for "production out" product transactions.
Payroll Print 1095-C Forms
- Add "Plan Start Month" field to form.
System Menu
- Fix disappearing company color bar above the menu (Keystone 3.)
File Maintenance
- Fix no focus issue when using PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN to cycle through items (Keystone 3.)
- Fix random no focus issue at startup of some options (Keystone 3.)
- Fix disappearing company color bar at top of forms (Keystone 3.)
Build 2.9.4 - 1/12/2016
Ticketing Order Stack
- Fixed EAccessViolation exception when double-clicking an order (introduced in 2.9.3.)
System Backup/Restore
- Fixed restoration of "preserved" copy of database when the restore fails.
- Fixed EAccessViolation exception in error handler for database backup/restore routine.
- Obfuscate password in error messages during backup/restore.
Build 2.9.3 - 1/8/2016
A/R Customer Maintenance
- Added "Prepay/CC Auth Required" checkbox for CASH/COD customers (future use.)
A/R Sales Chart
- Added "Zone" as an available column for the chart.
A/R Weighmaster Maintenance
- New option added to the A/R File Maintenance menu. This option provides storage for important weighmaster information such as name, license number and expiration as well as signature image. These new fields can be printed on delivery tickets.
Dispatch Ticket Printing
Ticketing Ticket Printing
- Added ability to print weighmaster fields on delivery tickets.
- Added ability to select weighmasters entered in A/R Weighmaster Maintenance from a drop-down list.
Payroll Tax Library
- Updated to 2016-R2 version.
A/R Open Ticket Stack
- Fixed to save changes made to the Job Lot/Job Block fields.
Dispatch Schedule
- When shipping a load, the plant number where the load was actually shipped from will now be stored back into the load.
Payroll Setup Company
- Fixed layout of Definitions grid to avoid horizontal scrollbar so at least two definitions are always visible.
- Added "splitter" controls to allow the user to resize the three areas as they wish.
- Fixed Import/Export Definitions dialog box to show correct file extensions.
- Corrected problem where a shared system DLL that was also used by InterBase XE7 was removed as part of the Keystone 2.9.2 installer.
- Cleaned up a few unnecessary files that were being installed but not required.
Build 2.9.2 - 12/23/2015
A/P Print 1099 Forms
- Updated for 2015 1099-INT form changes (no 1099-MISC form changes.)
A/P 1099 E-File Export
- There are no changes required for 2015.
Payroll Print W-2 Forms
- There are no changes required for 2015.
Payroll Print W-3 Form
- There are no changes required for 2015.
Payroll SUTA E-File Export
- Updated for 2016 state changes.
Payroll W-2 E-File Export
- Updated for 2015 state changes (no federal changes.)
Ticketing Order Stack
- Fixed "cdsKey: Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset" exception when ticketing a Block order (only when the "Load Lookups On Demand" system option is on.)
P.O. Receipt Maintenance
Purchase Order Maintenance
- Fixed to use the vendor-specific product cost when the "Effect From" and "Effect To" dates are blank on the Vendor Products tab in Product Maintenance.
Payroll Employee Maintenance
- Added Offer Code "1A" to the drop-down list on the ACA tab.
Build 2.9.1 - 12/18/2015
Dispatch Schedule
- Performance improvement: Optimized driver hours portion of available trucks query.
- Performance improvement: Eliminate double execution of plant totals query.
- Performance improvement: Edit Ticket and Void ticket have been incorporated into the schedule for faster access.
Payroll 1095-C E-File Export
- Added IRS-supplied Keystone software ID.
Payroll Tax Library
- Updated to 2016-R1 version.
- Automatic backups will no longer be performed for Practice/Demo companies.
A/R Email Invoices
- Fixed "Access Violation" exception when the "Include Ticket Images" box is checked (introduced in 2.8.7.)
Dispatch Order Maintenance
- No longer generates automatic products immediately after entering the Product Id (introduced in 2.8.7.)
Dispatch Schedule
- When a load is shipped and the quantity shipped is changed, update the load with the correct quantity shipped (introduced in 2.7.23.)
- When voiding a ticket from the schedule, recalculate the loads for the order (introduced in 2.9.0.)
- When a load is shipped from an order containing automatic products, one of the automatic products was being duplicated when the ticket was generated.
Payroll Company Maintenance
- Fixed issues with incorrect/missing values in drop-down lists on Link/Definition/Factor tabs (introduced in 2.9.0.)
Payroll Timecard Maintenance
- Fixed "Foreign Key Violation" exception when adding a Pay Type to an existing timecard (introduced in 2.9.0.)
Form Reports
- Removed exception for missing internal form images (introduced in 2.9.0.)
- No longer caches images from the Document Imaging system (introduced in 2.9.0.)
Build 2.9.0 - 12/3/2015
IMPORTANT NOTE: As of version 2.9.0 Keystone will no longer run on Windows 2000 or earlier.
A/R Cash Posting
- Added Job Lot & Job Block as optional grid fields.
A/R Comparative Customer Sales Report
- Added Credit Terms selection.
A/R Email Invoices
- Performance improvement at startup by only looking back 90 days from the system date when loading the list of invoice sessions.
A/R Invoice Job Corrections
- Added Job Lot & Job Block as optional grid fields.
- Allow editing of Job Lot & Job Block fields.
- Save and restore the customized grid layout.
Payroll Company Maintenance
- Added "ACA" tab to allow entry of fields required by the Affordable Care Act.
- Limited functionality but no longer requires an access code.
Payroll Setup Company
- New option added to the Payroll Setup/Utilities menu which is the full functionality version of Company Maintenance and requires an access code.
Payroll Employee Maintenance
- Added "ACA" tab to allow entry of fields required by the Affordable Care Act.
Payroll Import Timecards
- The TCFILE.INI and TCIMP.INI files may now be stored in the system options table. This allows changes to be made in one place that affect all users.
Payroll Print 1095-C Forms
- New option added to the Payroll Year End menu which prints IRS 1095-C forms required by the Affordable Care Act.
Payroll 1095-C E-File Export
- New option added to the Payroll Year End menu which exports 1094/1095-C data required by the Affordable Care Act. (This is currently incomplete and will be updated in future releases.)
Payroll Tax Library
- Updated to 2015-R12 version.
Released Locked Tickets
- This System Maintenance menu option is now available for all users in the BACKUP group without requiring an access code.
View Device Configuration
- New option added to the System Maintenance menu which allows viewing of Device information without requiring an access code.
Form Printing
- Major performance and efficiency improvement with image handling.
- Now accepts images in BMP, JPG and PNG formats.
- All images are now cached for further performance improvement.
System Installation
- Connection Type on a new installation now defaults to "Socket."
Keystone On-Demand Server
- Updated to 2.0.10 version.
A/R Email Invoices
- Always email hand-written invoices.
- Only include invoice sessions containing customer(s) that are setup to receive invoices by email.
Dispatch Order Maintenance
- Fixed issue where Loads would not be recalculated if the Qty Ordered was changed without tabbing out of the field (i.e., click the next row or click OK.)
Dispatch Ticket Printing
Ticketing Ticket Printing
- Fix logic for unit price rollup to work the same when rolling up the price and when printing the detail products.
Payroll SUTA E-File Export
- Fixed exception indicating (wrongly) that the record length was exceeded (introduced in
Stand-alone Backup Utility
- Only “normal” company types are backed up.
- Fixed issue with checklist boxes, where more than 64 items in a single box would cause an exception.
Release Notes for Keystone 2.8.x
Release Notes for Keystone 2.7.x
Release Notes for Keystone 2.6.x
Release Notes for Keystone 2.5.x
Release Notes for Keystone 2.4.x
Release Notes for Keystone 2.3.x
Release Notes for Keystone 2.2.x
Release Notes for Keystone 2.1.x