New Keystone Releases

From GivenHansco Keystone Help
Revision as of 13:47, 12 December 2023 by Pmorey (talk | contribs)
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NOTE: Items in bold type are NEW features.

Build 4.4.3 - 12/12/2023


This version includes updates for A/P and Payroll year-end tax filings as well as 2024 payroll tax changes that are currently available. Please check frequently for further updates.

Dispatch Module

Beginning of Day

Preserve the following tables at the remote site: CCTUSERROLE, CCTEVENT, CCTEVENTTYPE.
Preserve the following generators at the remote site: GEN_CCSESSION, GEN_CCEVENTLINK, GEN_CCEVENTTYPEKEY.

Ticket Printing

Add new "PRESERVEQUERIES" system option to control whether custom queries are preserved at the remote plant or copied from the office.

Ticketing Module

Beginning of Day

Preserve the following tables at the remote site: CCTUSERROLE, CCTEVENT, CCTEVENTTYPE.
Preserve the following generators at the remote site: GEN_CCSESSION, GEN_CCEVENTLINK, GEN_CCEVENTTYPEKEY.

Ticket Printing

Add new "PRESERVEQUERIES" system option to control whether custom queries are preserved at the remote plant or copied from the office.

Accounts Receivable Module

Prepare Remote Ticketing Data

Include tables CCTQUERY and CCTQUERYFLD.

Accounts Payable Module

1099 Audit List

Now includes the "1099 Amounts" from vendor maintenance as well as new fields for state information.
Add "TIN Type" and "Account No." fields to the report.

Print 1099 Forms

This option will display a warning if used for tax years 2023 and beyond, since Keystone no longer prints 1099 forms.

Vendor Maintenance

Now requires Tax Id #, Type of TIN and Account No fields to be specified if a 1099 Class is specified.

Payroll Module

Federal W-2C (Corrections) Export

New option added to the Web Portal Export/Filing menu (please contact support if you need to use this.)

Print W-2 Forms

The dot-matrix/laser W-2 forms have been removed since Keystone no longer prints W-2 forms. However the W-2 Audit List is still available.

Tax Library

Updated to version 2024-R1 (FIT, AR, CA, KY, MA states, CA SDI.)

Build 4.4.2 - 11/28/2023


Keystone REST Server (KServer)

Windows Client Device API v2: Modify "VehicleStatusUpdate" query in "dispatchevent" endpoint to use projected load LOAD_NO field as the value of the LoadNumber field.

Build 4.4.1 - 11/10/2023

Dispatch Module

Mix Design Maintenance

Fix product search issues in mix design.


Fix exception "cdsKey: Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset" when using the "Quick Ticket" option.

Accounts Receivable Module

Product Maintenance

Fix product search issues in mix design.

Accounts Payable Module

Enter A/P Balances
Handwritten Check Entry
Invoice Vouchering

Fix foreign key exception when J/C U/M is entered on the distribution screen and then blanked out.

Print Checks

When errors occur during preview/print the "First Check No." will now be reset properly.

Payroll Module

Tax Library

Updated to version 2023-R12 (2024 Federal Social Security wage base.)


Form Reports

When emailing a form using the Email button, do not display the second email dialog.


Device Server

Fix HaulHub Dispatch Event notification device to support all states listed in the 4.4 release notes.

Build 4.4 - 10/13/2023

New Features

System-wide Events

Events have now been added to many entities and across several Keystone modules. There are a few "standard" events which are recorded (when a new entity is added, and when a detail item is added/changed/deleted where applicable.) Please see individual options below for further details.

Online Payments

Keystone now has the ability to print a QR code and/or a clickable link (PDF) on A/R invoices. When your customer scans the QR code or clicks the link, they have the ability to pay the invoice using a credit card. (Requires CardConnect signup and other configuration. Please contact GivenHansco Support for more information.)

DOT E-Tickets

The following states are now supported for sending tickets to DOT agencies via HaulHub: AL, CA, DE, IA, IL, IN, KS, LA, MA, MD, ME, ND, NE, OH, OK, PA, RI, VA, VT, WA, WV. (It is your responsibility to understand which DOT fields your particular state requires.)

Dispatch Module

Cash Payment Entry

Add order event when a payment is posted.

Driver Hours Report

Add "Sequence Code" report sequence option.

Event Type Maintenance

Option removed from Dispatch File Maintenance menu.

Order Audit Trail

Adjustments made for new events and event types.

Order Maintenance

Fix issue where plant default tax authority not set properly when adding a new order.
Use zone from plant default zone when creating new order or when plant is changed.
Set "Priced" field from plant "Force Print Prices" when creating new order or when plant is changed.
Require zone to be entered if associated plant "Force Zone Required" box is checked.
Fix substantial delay (5-10 seconds) when using the F7 key to switch between the header and product area.
Add "User Id" column to the ticket history grid.
Add the Void Reason as a hover hint message for void tickets on the ticket history grid.
Add "mins/yd" text next to Pour Rate field to make it clear what the data in this field should be.
Allow deleting orders that have events.
Change events are recorded for the following order level fields: Order Status, Delv Date and Time, Spacing, Truck Type, Zone, Slump, Job Id, W/C, Salesperson, Plant Id, P.O., Tax Auth, Plant Mix, Lot, Block, Delivery Inst, Ship To, Cement, % Calcium, % Air, % Hot Water, % Super P, CC Auth Pending, Auth Amt, Ovr Amt, Pour Rate.
Change events are recorded for the following product level fields: Qty Ord, Unit Price, Unit Disc, Load Size.
Change events are recorded for the following load level fields: Ovr Time, Ovr Load Size.
Change events are recorded for the following contact level fields: Email.

Print Orders

When emailing, the email addresses in the email dialog will now be pre-populated based on the customer/order contacts.


Add "Void Ticket" button to start the option directly from the schedule.

Ticket Printing

When an error occurs while the ticket is being committed, record the error message as the Void Reason for the ticket.
Use zone from plant default zone when creating new ticket or when plant is changed.
Set "Priced" field from plant "Force Print Prices" when creating new ticket or when plant is changed.
Require zone to be entered if associated plant "Force Zone Required" box is checked.
Keep ticket voided during ticket commit tied to the order so that it will appear on the History tab in Order Maintenance.

Ticketing Module

Order Maintenance

Add Events tab.
Use zone from plant default zone when creating new order or when plant is changed.
Set "Priced" field from plant "Force Print Prices" when creating new order or when plant is changed.
Require zone to be entered if associated plant "Force Zone Required" box is checked.
Allow deleting orders that have events.
Change events are recorded for the following order level fields: Delv Date and Time, Spacing, Zone, Slump, Job Id, W/C, Salesperson, Plant Id, P.O., Tax Auth, Lot, Block, Delivery Inst, Ship To.
Change events are recorded for the following product level fields: Qty Ord, Unit Price, Unit Disc.
Change events are recorded for the following contact level fields: Email.

Print Orders

When emailing, the email addresses in the email dialog will now be pre-populated based on the customer/order contacts.

Ticket Printing

When an error occurs while the ticket is being committed, record the error message as the Void Reason for the ticket.
Use zone from plant default zone when creating new ticket or when plant is changed.
Set "Priced" field from plant "Force Print Prices" when creating new ticket or when plant is changed.
Require zone to be entered if associated plant "Force Zone Required" box is checked.

Accounts Receivable Module

Aged Trial Balance

Add ability to enter a Minimum A/R Balance to filter out customers whose A/R Balance is below the minimum.

Cash Posting
Cash Posting Register

Allowance Code field length increased to 10 characters.

Credit Card Pre-Approval

Updated to use the new system-wide events.

Customer Maintenance

Add Events tab.
Change events are recorded for the following customer level fields: Credit Limit, Salesperson, Customer Class, Credit Terms, Price Group, Division #, Credit Status, (Print) Prices, (Print) Weights, Tax Authority, Tax Id #.
Change events are recorded for the following contact level fields: Email.

Customer Price Maintenance

Add Events tab.
Change events are recorded for the following fields: Zone, Product Class, Plant Id, Product Id, Qty Level, Cust Price, Cust Disc, Pend Price, Pend Date.
Remove Customer Maintenance security requirements for adding new prices and deleting prices.

Driver List

Add "License Type" field and "Sequence Code" report sequence option.

Driver Maintenance

Add "License Type" and "Sequence Code" fields.

Driver Productivity Report

Add "Sequence Code" report sequence option.

Group Price Maintenance

Add Events tab.
Change events are recorded for the following fields: Zone, Product Class, Plant Id, Product Id, Qty Level, Group Price, Group Disc, Pend Price, Pend Date.

Job Price Maintenance

Add "Src" (price source) column to products grid.
Add "DOT Job Mix Year" column to products grid.
Add Events tab.
Change events are recorded for the following job level fields: Job From/To, Credit Terms, Tax Authority, Ship To, Delivery Inst, Customer P.O.
Change events are recorded for the following DOT level fields: State, Project Id, Job Identifier.
Change events are recorded for the following product level fields: Unit Price, Unit Disc, Qty Ord, Load Size, Pend Price, Pend Date, Description, DOT Job Mix Id, DOT Job Mix Year.
Change events are recorded for the following contact level fields: Email.

Job Prices List

When emailing, the email addresses in the email dialog will now be pre-populated based on the customer/quote contacts.

Owner List
Owner Maintenance

Add "Insurance Exp" field.

Plant Maintenance

Add "Zone" to Defaults tab.
Add "Force Print Prices" to Ticketing tab.
Add "Force Zone Required" to Ticketing tab.

Product Maintenance

When adding/editing a mix design, use the "Mix Design U/M" as the unit of measure for the ingredient if specified.
Add Events tab.
Change events are recorded for the following product level fields: Stocked, List Price, Product Type, Ingredient Type, Subtype, Sales G/L, Cost of Sales G/L, A/P Clearing G/L, Inventory G/L, Production Out G/L, Production In G/L, Recon Group, % Air, Slump, Mixer Time, Max Load Size, Std Cost, Pend Price, Pend Date, Description, U/M, Mix Design U/M, Batch U/M, Specific Gravity, Product Class.
Change events are recorded for the following component (mix ingredient) level fields: Qty per Unit, U/M.

Sales Inquiry

Use stored extended price for the "Ext Price" column on the ticket detail grid (instead of recalculating.)

Ticket Maintenance

Use zone from plant default zone when creating new ticket or when plant is changed.
Require zone to be entered if associated plant "Force Zone Required" box is checked.
Show descriptive message when user tries to delete ticket with batch weights and disallow the delete.

Inventory Module

Inventory Reconciliation

Fix the re-reconcile warning so it includes the As Of Date when checking transactions.

Quote Module

Quote Maintenance

Add an event when quote is emailed or printed.
Add "Src" (price source) column to products grid.
Add "DOT Job Mix Year" column to products grid.
Add Events tab.
Change events are recorded for the following job level fields: Job Starts, Job Ends, Quote Expires, Credit Terms, Tax Authority, Ship To, Delivery Inst, Customer P.O., Follow Up On, Won/Lost, Rating, Reason Code, Compete Bid, Competitor.
Change events are recorded for the following DOT level fields: State, Project Id, Job Identifier.
Change events are recorded for the following product level fields: Unit Price, Unit Disc, Qty Ord, Load Size, Pend Price, Pend Date, Description, DOT Job Mix Id, DOT Job Mix Year.
Change events are recorded for the following contact level fields: Email.

Print Quotes

When emailing, the email addresses in the email dialog will now be pre-populated based on the prospect/customer/quote contacts.

Accounts Payable Module

Handwritten Check Entry
Invoice Vouchering

Add "Qty" and "U/M" fields to J/C section of expense distribution and receipts distribution grids.
When J/C Trx Type is changed on the expense distributions grid, pull in the J/C Unit of Measure from the transaction type.

Invoice Batch List

Add "Qty" and "U/M" fields to J/C detail section.

Vendor Maintenance

Add "Email P.O." option on the Contacts grid.

Purchase Order Module

Print Purchase Orders

When emailing, the email addresses in the email dialog will now be pre-populated based on the vendor contacts.

Purchase Order Maintenance

The "Ordered" field can no longer be left blank.

Purchase Receipt Entry
Purchase Receipt Maintenance

Add date protection for "Date Rcvd" field.
The "Date Rcvd" can no longer be left blank.

Setup Periods

New option added to Purchase Order Setup/Utilities menu.

General Ledger Module

Account Maintenance

Add Events tab.
Change events are recorded for the following fields: G/L Group, Sequence, Acct Class, Company No., Division No., Acct Type, Debit/Credit, Intra Co., Valid From, Valid To.

Payroll Module

Employee Maintenance

Add "License #" field.

Tax Library

Updated to version 2023-R11 (IN, OH states.)


Batch Maintenance

Fix calculation for the Adjust Batch Dates dialog when the day is the same but the month and the year are different.

Query Export

When running multi-company query, update the "Records Affected" column as soon as a company finishes processing.

System Menu

Fix Keystone News home page so the Contact Us and Quick Support links work correctly with the new GivenHansco website.
Add "Release Locked A/P Invoices" option to System Maintenance menu.
Keystone News now uses the same web browser as the Dispatch Map, which should solve issues on Windows 11.

Windows Client

Fix Help->Quick Support to work correctly with the new GivenHansco website.


Device Server

Finalized Holcim Cement dispatch notification device.
Add several new fields to HaulHub dispatch event notification device.

Keystone REST Server (KServer)

Add datatables "dotstates", "dothints" and "dotmatclass".
Fix datatable parsing to properly represent null values.
Keystone Online Customer Portal API: Add "HPPInvoice" endpoint to support QR/clickable links on Keystone invoices.
Windows Client System Device API 2: Add several new fields needed by HaulHub to "dispatchevent" endpoint.
Windows Client System Lookup API: Add endpoints "rdmCCDOT/cdsStateHintLookup" and "rdmCCDOT/cdsStateLookup."
Windows Client System Methods API: Add "getnexteventlink" endpoint.

Release Notes for Keystone 4.3.x

Release Notes for Keystone 4.2.x

Release Notes for Keystone 4.1.x

Release Notes for Keystone 4.0.x

Release Notes for Keystone 3.6.x

Release Notes for Keystone 3.5.x

Release Notes for Keystone 3.4.x

Release Notes for Keystone 3.3.x

Release Notes for Keystone 3.2.x

Release Notes for Keystone 3.1.x

Release Notes for Keystone 3.0.x

Release Notes for Keystone 2.9.x

Release Notes for Keystone 2.8.x

Release Notes for Keystone 2.7.x

Release Notes for Keystone 2.6.x

Release Notes for Keystone 2.5.x

Release Notes for Keystone 2.4.x

Release Notes for Keystone 2.3.x

Release Notes for Keystone 2.2.x

Release Notes for Keystone 2.1.x

Release Notes for Keystone 2.0.x

Release Notes for CompuCrete 1.8.x